Thursday 21 April 2011

Male Makeup Dublin Ireland

This is always an interesting subject to talk about, and I thought that since I am male, I could give a different opinion on the subject.  Male makeup is becoming slowly, but increasingly popular.  The age of  the "metrosexual" (men who enjoy a bit of grooming, fashion, and yes, even a little beauty product) has been well underway for many years now.  I personally think that is was a long time coming.  To me, it's like history repeating itself again.  Just like women's trends like colors, eyebrow shapes, etc men seem to be resorting back to a time when males wanted to look their best, and paid good money to do so as well.  Cosmetics and fashions were a status symbol for men then just like it is for some women today.  Years and years ago, men wore makeup and wigs daily!!!  Now, let's not jump the gun though. I personally wouldn't like to see the return of powdered wigs and pale white faces, but I definitely would like to see more even complexions from one man to another.
I get the feeling though, that women in general wouldn't be overly exited about the idea of sharing their makeup bag with the boyfriend.  That is unless Brad and Angelina did it, but that's a whole other blog post in itself.
I personally have 2 opionions when it comes to the overall look for male makeup.
It's similar to that of the female makeup look regarding the skin.
1.  That it shouldn't be caked on!!  There is nothing worse, well all know.  I like for male makeup to be barely there.  Baby steps.
2. Polished!! Just like we makeup artist generally use contouring on women to make their features appear more rounded, I like contouring for a man to excentuate angles and square like qualities of his face.  Usually the most attractive male faces are the ones that are very strong and angular.

Over the next few post, I'm going to share some of my favorite products that I think are fantastic for men.

Enjoy. :)

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