Friday, 22 April 2011


To Conceal or to Highlight?  That is the question.
YSL markets this product as a concealing highlighter, not to be confused with a regular old concealer.
This product is quite pricy as well, for the amount you'd need to use of it daily.  And it comes packaged like a stick of gold, completely covering the amount of product actually inside.
I personally dont like the TOUCHE ECLAT.
I feel I achieve an even better highlight with a cream shaddow or semi-shimmery powder/shaddow similar to the shade of skin.
The most common misconception is that it can be used under the eye.  However, at most, it should be used in the inside corner of the eye and other places on the face you would normally highlight. (cheekbones, center of nose, cupid's bow)

So really, it's just about placement.  Have a separate concealer for under the eyes and spots, or else you will just end up highlighting them even further.  And who wants that??!!
Not Dublin Makeup Man :)

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